Be Wise While Making the Choice

Freedom is a Blessing;
Treat It Accordingly

State of the Union —A Big Mess is a book written by Don Bennet, who has served in the US military for more than 35 years. This book is a masterpiece that aims to provide people with knowledge about using their vote in a wise manner and consider it something valuable, as it is a key to bringing change in today’s world.

State of the Union
—A Big Mess

In State of the Union —A Big Mess, Don Bennett discusses the condition of the country and how it has become wayward. This book is meant to educate and inform the readers of the truth —to connect the readers with what our founding fathers intended when they set up the first government of the United States of America. Speaking in detail about topics like the fourth branch, the rule of immorality, the era of slavery, and unrestricted diversity.

Don Bennet aims to help the youth make better choices and have keen attention before choosing their leader so that they can make their hopes and dreams a reality and take their country on a path towards progress and prosperity.


Don Bennett

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—Don Bennett

Don Bennett is a patriotic US citizen, having served more than 35 years in the US military. His love for the country is commendable, as he spent all his life serving it. As a practicing lawyer and a retired judge, Mr. Bennett was disheartened by the fact that most of the citizens desired freedom but were not willing to put in the effort to achieve the goal, nor did they feel the love that a patriotic citizen would feel towards their country.

Don aims to educate people about the hardships our ancestors went through in the past so we can live our lives with freedom today. Disheartened by the fact that most people don’t treat it as a blessing that is the freedom and identity of their own.